Cold Tanuki Soba - Umai Crate

Tanuki soba are buckwheat soba noodles, so while not ramen, it is a close cousin.

This bowl was perfect for the summer as it is served cold.  Boiling water is poured into it, then after 3 minutes, it is drained and cold water is poured into it, cooling the noodles.  Then the cold water is drained, the sauce and dried good packets are dumped in, and the whole thing is stirred.  The dried goods pack consisted of tenkasu (fried shrimp tempura bits), green onions, and sesame seeds.  The salty/sweet sauce had a nice tuna and seaweed note mixed with a bit of soy sauce.  I topped the whole thing off with a fried egg for protein and some corn, which added a crunchy texture with some sweetness.  This tasted quite nice and was very refreshing.

This pack was delivered by

UPDATE: I just realized that this is pack is a repeat.

The package’s picture looks so serene.

Sauce and dried goods packets

Frying an egg.

My egg is ugly but everything tasted good.


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