Nongshim Soon Veggie Noodle Soup

 A third packet gifted to me by Carrie M.  This is also by Nongshim, one of my favorite noodle brands, and my first time trying their vegetarian outing.  It's actually certified vegan so all you vegans out there can enjoy this delicious pack as well.  I'm more of a carnivore but this was a very good broth; fully-flavored and delicious.  Fun fact: "soon" means "mild" in Korean. This is not a spicy bowl.

It came with two packets: 1 soup base and 1 vegetable mix, which looked like it included some seaweed and green onions.  Cooking time is 4-5 min.  I sauteed some baby bok choy, chopped up a hot dog that I had to get rid of (completely ruining the vegetarian nature), and soft-boiled an egg to complete the bowl.  I would definitely eat this again.

The product

2 packs come with the bag

Ready for eating!


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