Ramen Hero - Bonito Butter Shio Ramen

Ramen Hero, the service that delivers fresh ramen to your house, now has a subscription service where they willl ship special offerings that are different from the stock selection that are available on their website.

This month, one of the flavors is a bonito butter shio ramen. Bonito is a type of fish (also known as skipjack) but this broth wasn’t overly fishy.  Shio is a salt-based broth and the butter lent it a creamy taste and texture that was quite pleasant.  Also, Ramen Hero has a new way of marinating their chashu (pork) and I like it very much.  The pieces aren’t very tender (which I don’t really expect since they ship it to you pre-cooked) but they are delicious.  Another good bowl from Ramen Hero!

The toppings include narutomaki (dish cake), nori (seaweed) that is branded with the Ramen Hero name, and something I couldn’t identify, possibly a vegetable.  That is one downside - older Ramen Hero kits came with a card that described every component in detail.  Or if available on the website, the description would have that.  However, these subscription orders aren’t availabe on the website nor are there included cards anymore (there haven’t been for a while); therefore, I don’t know what it was I ate.  

The bag with everything in it

The finished product (the egg isn’t included in the kit)


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