Ramen Fried Rice - Future Neighbors

This was a recipe recommended to me by a friend and featured on one of my favorite YouTubers (Future Neighbors) and it's a recipe that definitely piqued my interest.  A half-ramen, half-rice recipe - who doesn't like comfort food that is overloaded with carbs?  Get the recipe here: https://futuredish.com/ramen-fried-rice-sinfully-good-worth-making/

First off, an instant noodle cup works best for this.  I used a Paldo spicy ramen cup.  Remove the noodles and place them in a ziplock bag (or glass container if you are being environmental) and crush them into a rice-like size.  It doesn't have to be perfect, just get close enough.  Next, put the noodles back in the cup and sprinkle the flavor packet and dried vegetables into it.  Pour boiling water into the cup; just enough to cover the noodles and close the lid.

In the meantime, heat up some cooking oil in a pan and throw some chopped green onions and cook until sizzling.  Crack an egg in the pan and scramble it.  Put the contents of the noodle cup and some rice in the pan (I used half of some microwaved instant rice) and stir until everything is combined.  Stuff the rice mixture back into the cup, tilt it over, and put it on a plate.  So fancy and delicious!  Might have to throw some spam in there next time.


Spicy ramen cup

Simple prep work

Yummy rice ready in 90 seconds

Stir fry everything up!

Fine dining

Take a bite!


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