Shijimi Clam Ramen - Umai Crate

From the May 2020 box from Umai Crate, this is a shijimi (freshwater clams) clam ramen.  And guess what?  Like the name says, it is VERY clam-favored.  I don't mind seafood, but if a person only sort of liked seafood, they wouldn't like this flavor.  However, if you like the taste of the ocean, this ramen would cure that itch.  I think what surprised me the most about this was that in the seasoning packet, there were actually tiny bits of real clams in there, along with seaweed.  These add-ons definitely enhanced the seafood broth.

For the toppings, I added a hard-boiled egg and some chopped green onions to add some protein and greenery to it.  I prefer soft-boiled eggs, but I ate this at work so I made the egg the night before.  A very satisfying, filling lunch ensued.

The picture is a clue that this a clam ramen

Actual bits of clams in the dried packet!

Very seafoody and hearty.


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