Healthy Wazen Mochi-Wheat Men Katsu & Konbu Dashi - Umai Crate

This was billed as a healthier-style ramen because the noodles ("men" in Japanese) were made from mochi wheat flour.  I wouldn't mind eating more noodles made with mochi because these held up and were delicious and if they truly are healthier, I'm all for it.  

The broth was flavorful and full of umami with a seafood sort of taste because it had a combination of soy sauce, bonito, and kelp.  The package contained two packets: 1 dry ingredient packet and one soup packet.  The dry goods packet included tiny bits of fish cake (naruto), green onions, tofu skin, and what looked like pieces of dehydrated egg.  Cooking time was 5 minutes.  I chopped up some red peppers and green onions for toppings and got to enjoy a quick, delicious lunch.

Package obtained from Umai Crate.

Beautiful packaging

Dry packet and soup packet

Healthier ramen, yum!


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