Ramen Hero - Tomato Tori-Paitan Ramen

So I am pretty late in writing this up, but this is the holiday-themed bowl from Ramen Hero.  Sorry for the delay!

This was described as a seasonal special ramen for Christmas as it is holiday-inspired.  The broth is a creamy chicken broth with tomato sauce added in for some color.  In Japanese, "tori" means chicken and "paitan" means white broth.  The broccoli represents a tree-shape and the turmeric cookies are in the shape of stars.  It was $11/serving, but as I write this, I just noticed that they are all sold out.

This was a fairly tasty bowl of ramen.  The broth was definitely creamy and tasted of delicious chicken.  In addition to the broccoli and the turmeric cookies, the other included topping were mushrooms sauteed in butter, which were pretty good.  I did not like the turmeric cookies at all.  I found them extremely gritty and they really didn't fit in with the taste of the bowl.  I can kind of see what they were going for visually but I was not a fan of the taste or texture.  The protein was two chicken wings, the same as my first bowl with Ramen Hero (although only one wing was given in that earlier bowl).  I find the chicken wing a little difficult to eat with chopsticks but the flavor was good.  The wings were apparently stir-fried and simmered in comdiments according to the Ramen Hero website.  As you can see from the picture, I also added in a soft-boiled egg (not included with the delivery service).

In conclusion, with a single miss on the toppings (the cookies), a decent, tasty bowl.  Happy Holidays!

Pictured: The broth, noodles, two chicken wings, broccoli, butter-flavored mushrooms, two turmeric cookies.

It is Slurp o' clock!


  1. I mean, it's no Shoki, but that egg is looking mighty fine. Come over and show me how to soft boil!

  2. It's easy! Gently put an egg in boiling water for 6.5 - 7 min. Then cut in half. Done!


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