Instant Ramen Review - Lucky Me! La Paz Batchoy

This bowl was also donated to me by Jefferson G.  This one had a nice garlic flavor with it.  I dont like an overpowering garlic flavor and this was right in the cusp of being at my "too much garlic" limit so it was almost perfect.  Thin noodles like the last Lucky Me! Bulalo bowl I ate.  Again, I prefer my noodles a bit more thick.  The broth was my favorite part of this meal here as I mentioned above, there was a nice garlicky flavor that accompanied the little beef balls quite nicely.  I liked this better than the Bulalo bowl.

Company: Monde Nissin
Brand: Lucky Me! La Paz Batchoy
Flavor: Artificial beef garlic
Country: Phillipines
Spicy: No
Packets: 1 seasoning, 1 garlic paste + fried garlic, 1 beef balls
Cooking time: 3 min
Score: B


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