Nihon Soba - Sun Noodle

This Nihon soba is a limited time item available at Sun Noodle for $4.99 for two servings.  Soba noodles are different than ramen noodles in the fact the ramen noodles are made of wheat and soba noodles are usually made from buckwheat.  Soba is typically eaten in the summer in Japan because you can eat them cold.  When eaten cold, the noodles are typically dipped in the sauce.  I chose to eat them warm, however, so the noodles were tossed with the sauce and eaten.  

The noodles have a 3 minute cook time (4 minutes if eaten cold) and I chose to top mine with tempura shrimp, shredded nori, green onions, and a soft-boiled egg.  The noodles were chewy and delicious and the sauce was filled with umami, salty goodness.  These were very good and I'm considering ordering another pack to eat them cold-style.

Fresh soba.

Sauce packet and noodles.

The bowl.


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